I) What is parallel replication? Parallel replication is a nice feature introduced in MariaDB 10.0, and which allows to run in parallel some queries on a slave. Basically, by default (the conservative mode), it runs in parallel transactions that couldn’t have any conflict. Note you have to enable GTID to use this feature. Starting with […]
I) Why using TokuDB? I have been playing with TokuDB since 2013. Although it’s a really good storage engine, it’s sometimes full of surprises. Initially I migrated one of my customer from InnoDB to TokuDB because it was solving all their issues : their DB has been growing to more then 1TB, and they were facing […]
I – What is a query cache? The MySQL query cache was introduced as part of version 4.0 of MySQL. Its main function is simple: it is a giant hash table that associates bulk SQL queries with a group of results. It signifies that if you add a space or change a capital letter in your SQL […]